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Lisätarvikkeet heijastimille

Ball Chain
Ball Chain

Ball chain is long enough to let the safety reflector swing freely and flash visibly.

20 cm

Parrot Hook
Parrot Hook

Parrot hook is popular safety reflector fastener that is easy to attach and remove.


String is a viable option for a safety reflector fastener if you are planning a tight budget promotion campaign.

60 cm

Duck Mouth Buckle
Duck Mouth Buckle

Duck mouth buckle is a great safety reflector fastener especially for children's clothing.


Safety Pin
Safety Pin

Safety pin is always used with a string.

Metal Clip
Metal Clip

Metal clip is a great safety reflector fastener especially for children's clothing.

Single package with tape
Single package with tape

Order single package with tape if you prefer to single pack safety reflectors locally.

Metal Ring
Metal Ring

This is popular combination when you wish to attach reflector on a back bag.

20 mm / 25 mm


This combination is long enough to let the safety reflector swing freely and flash visibly.

17 cm

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